What is EFT for couples?
Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is a form of therapy based on attachment theory. It is used for couples, individuals, and families. I offer it for couples, although I do not use it in every case.
EFT for couples is rated by the Society of Clinical Psychology as having "strong research support", the highest grade. It has both a strong basis in research, and a huge amount of practical experience worldwide, with a network of trainers and supervisors in many countries. I am on the leadership team of the British EFT Centre.
EFT works particularly well where a couple repeatedly have conflicts that are in the same "pattern", for example one person raising something (trying to get it solved), and the other avoiding engaging with it (trying to keep things calm). Neither is succeeding. The actual topic may be different from one time to the next (eg parenting style, tidiness) but the dynamic tends to be the same. So we won't talk about the dishwasher or the tidiness or the lateness, we will talk about the repeating pattern. Understanding each other's needs can help couples restore a secure connection between them.
See also this good Psychology Today article about EFT.
(Please note there is also another form of therapy called "emotional freedom technique" which involves tapping oneself. This is entirely unrelated, and not what I offer.)